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  • WiFi Dongle: What is it and How does it Work?

24/09/2019 14:18

WiFi Dongle: What is it and How does it Work?

If you have been researching for the best ways to access the internet while abroad, you have most likely come across the term Wi-Fi Dongle. If you are unfamiliar with this device, it’s time to get acquainted because it can come in handy while you are travelling with you Caravan or RV and you realize you have that last-minute email to your boss that you forgot to send or want to write and update for your travel blog!   Here is a quick breakdown of what you need to know about Dongles:

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What Is a Wi-Fi Dongle / USB Dongle?

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Dongles are small, portable Wi-Fi USB sticks that can connect to laptops, smart phones, or tablets to provide them with convenient internet service on the go. It functions as a portable internet modem, and so when a dongle is plugged into a computer, the device is essentially connecting to a modem. USB dongle Wi-Fi is an incredibly useful tool for travellers and those who work from the computer who need constant access to the internet.


How Does It Work?

Using a Wi-Fi dongle is simple, just plug the Wi-Fi stick into the computer or mobile phone and immediately connect to the internet. There are dongle Wi-Fi sticks for laptops as well as phone dongles, both of which function the same to provide an internet connection. After being plugged in, the Wi-Fi USB dongle can also be used to share the internet connection with other devices, share and receive files, and more.

What are the Advantages of Wi-Fi Dongle sticks?


The main benefit of using dongle Wi-Fi is that it allows users to connect to the internet anywhere, anytime. The dongle is incredibly portable and easy to use, small enough to fit in pockets and only need to be plugged in to start using. Computer dongles are also powered by the computer, so there is no need to worry about charging.


When travelling, it can be tempting to use public W-Fi from restaurants, cafes, malls, airports, etc. However, using these internet connections can be dangerous and have unintended consequences if the internet is not properly secured. Hackers and cybercriminals can easily take control of the device and steal private information. Using the dongle’s internet keeps the connection private and unseen to hackers.

What are the Disadvantages of Wi-Fi Dongles?

Some of the cons of using dongle internet are that they require a device with a USB port to use them in addition to internet usage being limited to places with strong cellular activity. There can also be restrictions on daily downloads and dongle plans are often pay-as-you-go rather than unlimited like other mobile hotspot options.


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